Dental Implants

Are Implants Worth It

Assessing the Value of Dental Implants

Dental implants may be thought of as a cosmetic procedure, however they play a crucial role in many other areas such as chewing, stopping movement of other teeth in the area and preservation of bone. At Egham Dental Care, our commitment is to assist everyone in achieving the confident smile they want.


Smile Makeover

Choosing Dental Implants: Advantages at a Glance

Opting for dental implants offers several benefits:

  1. Long-Term Durability: Boasting an impressive lifespan of up to 30 years, they provide a reliable, long lasting solution.
  2. Easy Maintenance: Simplifying your oral care routine, these implants are cleaned just like natural teeth, ensuring easy care.
  3. Enhanced Functionality: Experience improved speech and chewing capabilities, restoring both function and cosmetics.
  4. Permanent Fixture: As they are fixed replacements, dental implants can be treated with the same care and attention as your natural teeth.
  5. Prevent Tooth Movement:  Stop the shifting, rotating, and twisting of adjacent teeth, maintaining overall dental alignment.
  6. Preserve Jawbone Health: Actively slow down or stop bone shrinkage, preventing deterioration and loss, thereby safeguarding your jawbone.
  7. Facial Muscle Support: Provide superior support to facial muscles, countering the aged and hollow appearance often associated with tooth loss.

Benefits of a Stable Treatment Solution

Recreating the chewing ability and bite patterns in the same way as natural teeth, dental implants stand out as the best choice for replacing missing teeth.

In contrast to alternatives such as dentures, dental implants offer a distinct advantage. Dentures often have more movement than natural teeth and may not function as seamlessly when upper and lower teeth are engaged in chewing. This challenge is overcome by dental implants.


Egham Dental Care offers 0% Finance

Pay monthly with 0% finance via our partners at Tabeo. Implants have never been more affordable via this amazing facility.


Non-Invasive Treatment Choice

Dental implants are a non damaging treatment option as they operate independently without relying on neighbouring teeth for support.

In contrast to dental bridges, which require the preparation of neighbouring teeth, implants eliminate the need for support, preparation, or altering of any other teeth. The implant is carefully positioned within the bone that once held the natural tooth's root, ensuring a minimally invasive approach.

Speech Restoration

The alignment of the lower lip and lower teeth in relation to the upper front teeth plays a crucial role in creating specific sounds, such as "S," "F," and "V," during speech.

Consequently, the size, placement, and position of the front teeth are vital for clear speech. Loss of these teeth can significantly impact speech patterns.

Traditional solutions like dentures may fall short in this aspect due to their bulky size and tendency to move. In contrast, dental implants actively preserve speech by maintaining the precise position and orientation of the replacement teeth.

Rapidly replacing teeth after the removal of the natural teeth increases the chances of preserving unaffected speech.


Enhances Self-Confidence

In our experience, we've observed the serious impact tooth loss can have on a patient's self-esteem and self-confidence.

Thankfully, dental implants offer an excellent solution, seamlessly replacing missing teeth to provide artificial teeth that closely resemble and feel like natural ones.

Implant-Supported Crown

Single dental implants supporting individual crowns are recommended for missing teeth in different parts of the mouth, preserving neighbouring teeth from excessive forces. This method is also suitable when neighbouring teeth are unsuitable or not strong enough for traditional dental bridges.


Before and after gallery

Dental Implant Queries

  1. Lifespan of Dental Implants:
  2. Can Dental Implants last Indefinitely? Once the implant integrates with your jawbone and tissues, the titanium implant functions like a natural root. The lifespan of your implant also relies on the care and maintenance of your oral health.
  3. Pain and Discomfort: Is Pain Associated with Dental Implant Placement? When we  place the implant, we are careful to carry out a pain-free procedure and if required various sedation methods suitable for nervous patients.
  4. Age Requirement for Dental Implants: Is There a Minimum Age for Dental Implant Treatment? While there is no specific age limit, our dentists recommend individuals to be over 18 for the dental implant procedure.
  5. Safety of Dental Implant Treatment: We employ Computer Guided implant placement techniques. We also employ comprehensive planning systems to ensure the success and safety of the implant treatment.
  6. Value of Dental Implants: Assessing the Benefits of Dental Implants: A dental implant offers numerous oral health advantages, including smile enhancement, stabilisation of adjacent teeth, and protection against gum disease.
  7. Pain in the Implant Process: Managing Discomfort in the Implant Process: Some slight discomfort may following the placement of a new implant, which minimized through modern anaesthetics. Post-procedure, swelling and slight aching may occur for 1-2 days. Many patients undergo multiple implants in a single day with minimal pain or distress. Existing patient have described this discomfort as no worse than that experienced after a tooth removal.

Implant Guide

Implants undergo colour matching and meticulous shaping to seamlessly harmonize with your natural teeth. Implant teeth are virtually indistinguishable from real teeth.

Long-Lasting Dental Implants

Once the implant integrates with your jawbone and surrounding tissues, the artificial titanium structure functions just like a natural root.

When we insert a titanium implant into the jawbone, it becomes an integral part of your oral structure.

This provides numerous health advantages, such as slowing or stopping bone loss, reinforcing the jawbone's structure, and diminishing the likelihood of gum disease due to better cleaning when compared to dentures.[Learn More.]

Longevity of Dental Implants

When appropriately cared for, dental implants boast a lifespan ranging from ten to twenty-five years or even longer.

Dental implants are beneficial for:

  • Tooth loss due to trauma, accidents, or injuries
  • Missing teeth resulting from gum disease or insufficient bone
  • Substituting old, worn, or fractured dentures
  • Integrated treatments like Implant-Retained Dentures
  • Offering both removable and fixed options
  • Addressing individual tooth loss or entire arches in a single session

The long term success of your implant depends on your commitment to your oral health. [Discover more.]

Call us now on 01784472444 to request an appointment.